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Always Plan Ahead

When I was in full time employment I always said I couldn't wait to be on Maternity leave one day. I thought babies slept for most of the day and I'd go shopping and for lunch with my friends. Instead the reality is that it can be quite boring and very lonely.

My day usually starts off around 5am (if I haven't slept much then my night and day have rolled into one and I'm 50% Coffee and 50% Dry Shampoo) I drag myself out of bed and bring Mason downstairs for his breakfast - you guessed it MILK. I've recently started putting on baby TV to keep him occupied for 10 minutes which feels like an hour for me. Those of you who say it's not good for them well neither is a Mummy who is at her wits end. We all do it so give me a break!

Feeding can take from 20 minutes to 40 depending on
1) how hungry he is
2) his bloody stubborn trapped wind
3) if he decides to throw himself from side to side whilst feeding (WTH)

We then have a winding session, I try to put him down to sleep - Fail and then result to having a little dance around the living room/baby massage or a beautiful rendition of 'Wheels on the bus' by now I'm ready for bed so I glance at the time and to my dismay it's only 8:30am! Why does time go so slow in the day and so fast at night?

Ok so now I have to start mentally preparing and planning when we will leave the house, I have to make sure we have enough bottles, plan the time we leave the house according to the time he will be finishing his next feed. Then check we have a clean nappy before we leave, those of you who have a little baby boy know the pain of them wee'ing all over themselves nearly every time you change them which results to an outfit change which ultimately ends in tears. Now 2 hours have past and he is due his next feed! 

After this feed he falls asleep (THANK YOU GOD) but now I can't leave the house and I am NOT watching another episode of Loose Women if my life depends on it. However Mason usually only sleeps for 10 minutes at a time during the day so we march on with operation 'Leave the house' Coat on - Tears, Put him in his pram - More Tears, I start sweating hair turns frizzy as I frantically check we have everything and 30 minutes later we are ready to leave. 

We leave the house and usually Mason falls asleep 5 minutes later - I did it - MISSION ACCOMPLISHED - I HAVE LEFT THE HOUSE.
Proof I left the house

I had no idea you had to plan so far ahead for such tedious tasks, so much effort and thought goes into everyday things when you have a baby such as what time to do my make up for the day, 9am like a normal person or 5am for a mum whose baby never sleeps? or what time to have my spray tan to avoid touching my baby and turning half his body the shade dark luxe by St Tropez. 

Safe to say I wasn't prepared for this I was always a very selfish person who did what I wanted at my own leisurely time. Ok so you're probably running on 3 coffee's a day and 4 mozzarella sticks but I guess it keeps you busy and stimulated. Someone recently asked me advice on having a baby and buying a dog - all I can say is make sure you are 100% ready to sacrifice every aspect of your life because trust me nothing. is. ever. the. same. again. 


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